Thursday, January 27, 2011

Language Debate

1.       The first six words in Linda’s article are to make sure the reader knows that whatever she may discuss in the nest few paragraphs she still believes that we should think before we speak. She wants us to know that to be civil to those around you is still important.
2.      Linda used the word bellicose when talking about politics. She said that “bellicose metaphor has been a staple of politics from the beginning. What she means by this is that in politics it seems as if people want to or feel like they have to fight. I believe she chose this word because it clearly states what happens in politics and what she is trying to get across from the essay in a whole. That the words that we use offend people but should we really change how we talk, should that really be considered offensive.
3.      Chavez tries to persuade the reader to believe that we should not change the way we talk write or what we read because someone may become offended, but at the same time we should be respectful and not go around deliberately being rude.  Her best argument is that in changing one work we can alter what the author meant and/or can get in the way of the readers understanding.
4.      I agree with her to a point. Is it right to ask that a word be changed in a great pieces of literature, no but if an ethic group prefers one name over another, respect them.