Thursday, December 9, 2010

Savior of the Nations come

The theme of this hymn is about the praise and love we should have for our lord and savior Jesus Christ. He not only can to this earth but came as an innocent baby and was born of a young virgin mother. In this hymn the author uses a few language tools, but I think his use of diction stands out. In the third verse there are three very good examples of diction right in a row, the first two being “wondrous birth, O wondrous Child”. In my opinion this is a very good choice of a word because he is not just a great birth or Child or an amazing birth or Child, but he wondrous. Even in the hymn we see why we could call him wondrous, he was born by the Holy Spirit of a virgin, undefiled. Which is the third example, undefiled, not just a clean child or a behaved child but so much more than that, undefiled, never been corrupted by sin or even born in to the natural sin of this world, he was perfect and wondrous in every way! We Can even see how he was so wondrous in his later life from this hymn when it reads “captive leading death and hell…hast o’re sin the victory won.” His whole life from beginning to end was lived wonderfully for us!

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